Liability Release: I hereby give consent for my child to participate in this class with Fresh Theatre Arts. I assume all risk in regard to my child’s participation in this program. I release and hold harmless Fresh Theatre Arts and its staff from any liability that may result from participation in any activities associated with this class.
Photo/Video Release: As the parent/guardian of the above-named child, I grant Fresh Theatre Arts permission to take photographs and video for use in the organizations materials online and in print. I further waive any and all rights to inspect and/or approve these materials that may be published, distributed and/or otherwise utilized as deemed appropriate by Fresh Theatre Arts.
I have read the registration information and understand the policies outlined. I understand that this registration contract represents a financial commitment and that there are no refunds. I certify that my child is in good health and capable of participating in all activities and/or classes. I understand that Fresh Theatre Arts cannot be responsible for any lost or stolen items.