All programs can be tailored towards your institutions specific needs

Musical Theatre Review
This program is a "must" for every star in training! Gain confidence and experience in singing, dancing, and acting through theatre games and improvisation while learning the fundamentals of Broadway-style musical theatre! At the end of the session, students will have the chance to perform in a showcase for family and friends! Appropriate for grades K-12.

Jumping Jellybeans
Classes offer the youngest of students a playful introduction to performing. Students express themselves, build confidence, explore their imagination, and develop basic social skills through playing games and dancing. Appropriate for parent/me through 5 years old.

Dance It UP
This class will explore different dance styles, including, hip hop, jazz and musical theatre. Each week we will learn a different combination to an exciting and popular song. Gain confidence and experience in dancing, while exercising and having fun!.

Act It UP
Classes in acting provide students with the education and skills they need in order to participate in the high quality productions. Broken down into two residencies (Acting I and Acting II), students learn the fundamental skills of acting. Teaching Artist work with students towards a showcase, culminating their experience. Appropriate for grades 1 through 12.

Simcha and Israeli Dancing
This residency is designed for girls entering into the bat mitzvah years and beyond. Come dance the Yoya, Cha-cha Slide, Adon Olam, Yiddin, Od Lo Ahavti Di, and many more! Every class feels like your very own Bat Mitzvah Party! Appropriate for grades 2-12.

Integrated Curriculum
“The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing, and arithmetic…music, dance, painting, and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.”
– William Bennett, Former US Secretary of Education
The purpose of engaging these performing arts activities in the curriculum is to create a variety of complex opportunities that can help further develop skills within reading, speaking, writing and composition. This residency can enhance your curriculum and create an incredible opportunity for your students to learn material in a different way.
Appropriate for grade pre-k through 12.